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vol.10 "Oz" - オンス

vol.10  "Oz" - オンス

前回ヘビーウェイトについてお話しましたが、同時期に合わせて作っていたのがミディアムウェイト。スウェットのようにボリュームが出過ぎず、かといって薄すぎないので春秋冬と3シーズンの間、ちょうどいい気分です。そもそもヘビー、ミディアム、ライト…ってボクシングの階級みたいな言葉ですが、生地の厚さの話です。”Oz(オンス)”で表します。Tシャツやスウェットでは普通のことですが、カシミヤでこのウェイト別に作り出したアイテムがHeavyweight / Mediumweight シリーズです。


Heavy〜は12 Oz程度にカシミヤを度詰めたシリーズで、紡毛の中番手を本数取りして強然し、ボリュームと肉感を出したニットソー。編み組織なのですが襟ぐりや肩周りなど、ニット特有のリンキングによる目減らしディテールがスウェットにあるなんてすごく嫌だったので、各パーツを作ってから縫製。加えてキレイに縫製しすぎるとアイテムがかしこまった面に見えるので、わざと少しラフに仕上げています。他のこともそうなのですが、偏りすぎた完璧はどうも…。ラグジュアリーの極みを尽くしました!とか、全身〇〇で揃えていますとか、やっぱりどうにも格好悪い。完璧なものを少し引き算して、ちょっと足りてないぐらいの方が、気分もガチガチにならないし断然格好いい。ハイ&ローの真ん中を突いた価値観が常に好きです。このシリーズも、実際に遠目にみたらただのスウェットです。


Medium〜は7 Oz程度に度詰めしたライトスウェットシリーズ。Heavy〜と大きく異なるのは、糸の種類。こちらは繊維長が長く毛羽の少ない梳毛を使用し(いわゆるスーツ素材で用いる細番手のカシミヤ。)、複数本を強然した糸を編み込む。それゆえ十分な肉感を持ちながら表面が非常にスムースで、カシミヤ本来の自然な光沢も出てきます。先ほどのハイ&ローの原理から、袖と裾に振りミシンを入れることで伸び止め補強と、良く見えすぎないようドレスダウン化。ロンT以上、スウェット未満なアイテムで着用期間も長く使えるので、こちらもとても好きです。



Satoshi Mizutani / BODHI



We talked about the heavyweight last time, but we were making a mediumweight to go along with it at the same time. It is not too voluminous like a sweatshirt, but not too thin either, so it is just right for the three seasons of spring, fall, and winter. To begin with, heavy, medium, and light are words that sound like boxing ranks, but we are talking about the thickness of the fabric. It is common for T-shirts and sweatshirts, but the Heavyweight / Mediumweight series is made of cashmere according to these weights.

Heavy~ is a series of cashmere knitwear with 12 Oz of cashmere, and is made by knitting a number of medium weight spun yarn to give it volume and texture. The knit structure is knitted, but we didn't want to have the unique linking details around the collar and shoulders on the sweatshirt, so we made each part and then sewed it. In addition, if the item is sewn too neatly, it looks too formal, so we intentionally made it a little rough. As with everything else, I don't want perfection to be too much of a bias.... I've gone to the extreme of luxury! or "I've got my whole body in 00," is just not cool. It's better to subtract a little from perfection and have a little less, so you don't feel stiff and definitely look better. I always like values that hit the middle of high and low. This series is also just a sweatshirt if you actually look at it from a distance.

Medium~ is a light sweatshirt series packed with about 7 Oz. The major difference from Heavy~ is the type of yarn, which is combed yarn with long fiber length and less fluff (fine count cashmere used for suits). The yarn is knitted from multiple strands of carded yarn. Therefore, the surface of the cashmere is very smooth with sufficient fleshiness, and the natural luster of the cashmere also comes out. Based on the high and low principle mentioned above, the sleeves and hem are reinforced with a swinging machine to prevent stretching and to dress down the garment so that it does not look too good. I like this item very much because it is more than a long T and less than a sweatshirt, and can be worn for a long period of time.

Each has its own merits, so I can't say which one is better than the other, but I hope you will feel cheated and experience the difference.

Satoshi Mizutani / BODHI