BODHIのことやデザイナーとして何を考えているのか、知ってもらえたらと始めたこのジャーナル。少しづつPOP -UPもできるようになり、直接皆さんとお話する機会も戻ってきました。それでも話切れていないことなどフランクに、素材の話やデザインの話、その他雑談含めお話できたらと思っています。これから秋冬が始まりますので、今日はおさらいにカシミヤの話を。
ある時から直接肌に触れる部分に合成繊維を着れなくなった(着ると身体がダルくなる)自分は、天然素材が身体に一番だと感じ始めました。どうせ着るなら長く愛用できるアイテムにしたいと思った時、耐久性機能性に一番優れているのがカシミヤでした。(天然素材は他にもコットン、リネン、ウール、カシミヤ…最近和紙とかもあるみたいですが、古来から現代まで衣服に使用される種類は数えるほどしかないことにもビックリです…。)自分一人で一つのものを追求し続けれるよう、素材を一本に絞って究極まで突き詰めてやろうと取り組み始めたのがBODHIの始まりです。そこから今までにない、”カシミヤの度詰め”を製作することになっていくのですが…。 つづく。
BODHI / Satoshi Mizutani
It has been a long time, how have you been? I am updating JOURNAL for the first time in about a year.
I started this journal to let you know about BODHI and what I think as a designer. Since last winter, we have been able to do POP-UPs again, and I have had the opportunity to talk directly with you again. Even so, there are still some things I haven't been able to talk about fully, so I would like to talk frankly again about materials, design, and the roots of our company.
Once again, let's talk about cashmere. Do you know what kind of hair is cashmere? It is goat's hair, not sheep's. Wool ≠ cashmere. It is often mistaken. If you compare wool and cashmere to a person, wool is naturally perky and cashmere is smooth and straight. Straight hair hardly shrinks even if it is put through water. That is why we recommend washing cashmere in water. However, heat is not recommended. There are three main types of cashmere: gray, brown, and white. The white cashmere used by BODHI is "super fine super long straight hair". It is the best cashmere.
At some point in my life, I became unable to wear synthetic fibers on the parts that directly touch my skin (they make my body feel dull), and I began to feel that natural materials are the best for my body. When I decided that if I was going to wear something, I wanted it to be an item that I could use for a long time, cashmere was the best in terms of durability and functionality. (Cotton, linen, wool, and cashmere are other natural materials...recently there is even Japanese paper, but I am surprised that there are only a few types used for clothing from ancient times to the present day...) ) BODHI began when I decided to focus on a single material and pursue it to the ultimate level so that I could continue to pursue a single thing on my own. From there, I started to produce the never-before-seen "cashmere knit"....... To be continued.
BODHI / Satoshi Mizutani