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vol.6 Living with "OLD" - “オールド”な生活。

vol.6 Living with "OLD" - “オールド”な生活。

映画でいえば、「007」のジェームズ・ボンドの決まり文句は、“マティーニをウォッカで、ステアでなくシェイクで。” MI6の中でも自由に動き回る、ボンドの枠に囚われないイメージが具現化されたお酒で、落ち着いてゆっくり飲むものを、あえてキンキンに冷やし、サッと飲む。この人はカッコイイけど、やっぱり安定した生活には向かない、破天荒タイプなんだろうなと想像します。一方、三島由紀夫が愛したお酒も、ドライマティーニ。以前読んだ情報には、完全なトラディショナルスタイルが好きだった、と書いてありました。おそらくこの人は、王道とか、完璧というものに、ずっと執着していたんだろうなと。どこまでいっても常に劣等感の塊で、自分自身の不完全さが見えてしまうことが、何より不安だったんでしょうね。だから、身につける道具や、飲むものも、格式ある正統派に拘っていたんじゃないでしょうか。好きなお酒って、一番リラックスしている時に頼むもの。何も考えていなくても、身に備えている、その人本来の“らしさ”が現れるような気がします。
BODHI / Satoshi Mizutani
There was a period of self-restraint on Corona, which led to more drinking at home. Until then, we only drank outside and not at home, which is a good thing. I like the old soda pop that I used to drink at the Even if outside restaurants reopen, drinking at home is going to be a "new lifestyle" for me. After all, everyone wants to drink at a restaurant. You can't bring that atmosphere into the house. By the way, when everyone is drinking, I suddenly become interested in what people are drinking." They're drinking a pretty drink contrary to what they look like," or "This person is just tied up with sake." It doesn't matter, but even a casual drink can reveal a person's values in a surprising way. It is also interesting to consider each taste, which is not what it appears to be.

Speaking of movies, James Bond's cliché in "007" is "Martini with vodka, shaken, not stirred."  MI6 embodies the out-of-the-box image of Bond. He dares to drink something calmly and slowly with alcohol, but he drinks it cold and fast. He is cool, but I still think he is a terrible type of person who is not suited for a stable life. On the other hand, the drink that Yukio Mishima loved is still a dry martini. The information I read before said that he likes the full traditional style. Perhaps he was obsessed with royalty and perfection. I was worried because I felt that whatever I worried about, he always saw through my imperfections, like I was always inferior. So the tools I wear and the sake I make must have something to do with formal orthodoxy. The drinks I like best are the ones I ask for when I am most relaxed. I feel that the original "likeness" prepared appears even if you are not thinking about it.

Alcoholic beverages are a style that people drink and like, as they say, "taste". What is good and what is bad is each person's own particular style that others cannot imitate. And a place where sake can be drunk is a place where the goodness of each can be shared regardless of age or gender. It is fun to talk to each other, and sometimes it is most meaningful to talk about things that have no answers. Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever seen a bar atmosphere that feels heavy. Even if I'm hungover every day and my body feels heavy before I go, it's still fun when I go. After all, I like places where people can gather and socialize as well as drink. Today, as always, I would like to go out for a drink.

BODHI / Satoshi Mizutani